Note: There is no simple translation for the german word "Umwälzung". It means transition, transformation, turning upside down, in some circumstances circulation - in fact: radical change. The contemporary world undergoes "umwaelzung" in many respects - the most important
for us is the "biggest transformation of class relationship since neolithicum": the proletarisation and urbanisation of millions of peasants in Asia during the last decade. |
Available texts in English:
Who Owns the Land? - Peasant Struggles in Indonesia (7-11)
Against War and Peace!
35-hour-week: Lower incomes and more work - Working-time reduction in Germany (3-99)
Against "social Europe"! (5-99)
East Timor: the next 'hot spot' or: against the humanitarian war-mongers (6-99)
The Asian Crisis is over? Letter from Thailand (9-99)
Workers, Antifas, Punks, Redskins together: Sucessfull Strike Action in Indonesia
Garment Workers dismissed from Sweater Manufacturer in Indonesia
more texts at the Wildcat-site